The title will certainly make you smile!
Indeed, who does not know a real estate agent in his or her entourage or has not, at least once in their life dealt, with this specimen so characteristic of our time? The talented Gad wrote a sketch about it, others described him as the man to be eliminated! yes yes, I’m hardly exaggerating …
Please, please, let me do my “explaining”:
It is easy to imagine the good life the agent must have: he has no fixed hours is not a civil servant but his own boss as he wanders from 2 rooms lodgings to villas, from palaces to hovels, getting lost in discussions and demonstrations while using the catchphrase “expert on houses” for the sole purpose – rest assured! – of catching his fish!
And it is at the end of these sumptuous walks and sale talks, the first or the thousandth, that the customer, happy with his find, suddenly jerks his eyes wide open, at the mention of the commission, and struggles … to swallow the fish !!!!!
All the same, it’s paid very well! And besides, he says to himself, I already know enough about it for me too … to get started … After all, such a pleasant job so well paid cannot be anything other than exclusive!
Please, please, the customer may be king but finding him his palace requires a certain talent!
As for me, if I did not believe in God, would have ended up believing Him by being a real estate agent. There is no house that does not wait for Its owner, nor a soul that does not recognize Its home!
Nothing will do: neither intrigue, nor fortune: There is a lid for every pot!
But who every morning wonders what will happen to his luck or misfortune, sometimes getting so close to his goal without knowing if he will reach it?
Who would know if it would be the first or the umpteenth time? Up or down, king for a day and tramp the next day, putting his luck every day in the hands of his lucky star, offering you all his energy so as not to spend yours, his know-how, his listening and his time – ultimately the most precious goods -for a MAYBE?
Deep inside we know that our home is worth waging battles for.
We fight them for you, so please, a smile, a heartfelt thank you for giving us the courage and the desire to take up the challenge for You, every time again!